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Update resource

We will try to update a resource information in this example exercise. Let's say we want to add owner's information to the playground dataset.

To update the resource metadata we will need it's id which is generated when the Provider registered it on the Guardian. First we need to check the resource_id of that playground dataset.

To get the list of all the resources use any of the following methods:

Getting the resource_id for the resource:

  1. Using guardian resource list CLI command
  2. Calling to GET /api/v1beta1/resources API
$ guardian resource list --output=yaml

You can use resource_id to get the resource details by any of the following commands:

  1. Using guardian resource view CLI command
  2. Calling to GET /api/v1beta1/resources/:id API
$ guardian resource view {{resource_id}}

To update the resource metadata with this information add this to the resource file or request body


Use any of these commands to update the owner details:

  1. Using guardian resource set CLI command
  2. Calling to PUT /api/v1beta1/resources/:id API
$ guardian resource set <resource_id> -f resource.yaml